Pusaka Seni Rupa (Lukis)

The Pusaka Seni Rupa book series is the outcome of the Culture-Based Character Education program, which was launched at the end of 2017 by the Indonesia Directorate General of Culture. This book was written for students in high school. The goal is to introduce them to the treasures of Indonesian modern art and to broaden their horizons. There are six volumes in this book series. Each book focuses on a single work by an artist (painters). The considerations for selecting artists were their figures and contributions at the beginning of the development of modern art in Indonesia, in the first half of the twentieth century. These artists develop "modern" art that is not a continuation of previous art traditions.

The six artists whose work was chosen for this book series are inextricably linked to the story of the early development of modern art in Indonesia, particularly in Java and Bali. The Pusaka Seni Rupa series features six works by six well-known artists, namely:

1. Dia Datang, Dia Menunggu, Dia Pergi, 1944, karya Affandi Kusuma (1907-1990).
2. Cap Go Meh, 1940, karya S. Sudjojono (1913-1986).
3. Pengantin Revolusi, 1955, karya Hendra Gunawan (1918-1983).
4. Melukis di Taman, 1952 , karya Kartono Yudokusumo (1924-1957).
5. Para Anak Mengganggu Men Brayut, 1930-an, karya I Gusti Nyoman Lempad (1862-1978).
6. Tarian Barong Landung, 1934, karya Anak Agung Gede Sobrat (1912-1957).

[Boxset of six | Hardcover | 210 x 297 mm | matte paper 80gsm | stitch binding | Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology 2017]